My good friend Tim Chiou needed a business card. Tim is a unique and gifted individual whose passion for learning and teaching is unlike any I have met. Tim’s credentials speak for themselves (Bachelor of Science from UBC, Master of Philosophy from Cambridge, and Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford), but to experience his teaching is a powerful, complex, swirling and moving experience. No cover could contain or express it, you have to open the book and dive in to know. The variable and colourful inside cover marbled paper along with the inside title page attempt to capture this experience.
Paper and Printing
Sourcing beautiful marbled paper took me to Wiltshire, England via the internet, where I found Jemma Lewis Marbling and Design. With such a wide variety of amazing patterns, Tim and I, with some help from Jemma, found some we felt could work quite well with our business card concept.
Finding the right printer brought us a little closer to home, where we enlisted Heather from Vancouver’s Porchlight Press to elevate the card’s quality with a letterpress touch and bring the whole thing together duplexing the printed sheet with our variety of marbled papers.
Syllabi Website
In addition to the business card, I was able to extend this concept of his brand to a website that contains all his syllabi and curriculum vitae.